How can I add the like and dislike button in telegram? | Create Telegram Like Button | Reaction Button
Why reactions are needed
Likes/dislikes and reactions in Telegram are a powerful tool for promoting the channel.
- They increase the engagement of subscribers in the content.
- Useful for new users of the channel who haven’t subscribed yet. They see how followers rate the content and how active they are in the group, and they make a conclusion — whether they should subscribe to you or not.
- They show advertisers that the group is alive (if you plan to sell ads).
- Reactions can be used as an alternative to surveys.
Example of what likes/dislikes look like:
Example of text responses:
How to put likes and dislikes in a Telegram channel
Adding buttons is easy-just one-two-three. This is done using free Telegram tools — one creates a bot, the other manages it.
Creating a bot for the channel
We find @BotFather in the search — we need it with a blue checkmark, this is the official telegram bot.
Click “Run” or START.
Then we write the /newbot command to create the bot. Send messages.
We call the bot. You can use Latin or Russian letters.
We come up with a username — it should end in bot. We capitalize it in Latin letters. You can use the channel name if it is not occupied. You don’t need to use the word “bot” or “bot” in the title, but you do need to use it in the username.
Then @BotFather issues a link to the newly created bot and its token (a long string of numbers and letters) — we save them, they will still be useful to us.
You need to add the bot to the channel administrators. To do this, open your channel, click on 3 points — channel Management.
Find the Administrators tab and click on it. Click “Add Administrator”. By default, only the channel Creator is shown at first. Insert the link to your bot that @BotFather provided us with.
Click on the bot and confirm adding it to the Admin panel. Leaving the default options, click “Save”.
Configuring the bot
Now we need to configure the created bot via @ControllerBot — it is a bot that controls other bots. It must be linked to our bot administrator.
We find @ControllerBot in the search. Please note that there are many analogs in the search (just like @BotFather). We need a bot with a white mouthpiece on a blue icon, the username is @ControllerBot (not Bote, not Bota, but Bot).
Launch the bot — click “Run” or START. It offers you to choose a language that is convenient for you. We chose Russian.
The bot offers several commands to choose from. We need to add our own channel to it. to do this, click on the command /addchannel .
@ControllerBot suggests that we create a bot via @BotFather and copy the token to the chat.
Since we have already created the bot in advance, just copy and paste the token into the dialog box and press Enter.
After adding the token, @ControllerBot suggests adding the bot to the channel Administrators. We’ve already done this too, so skip step 2 and go to step # 2 — Send me any message from your channel (you can also send @username or Group ID.
The easiest way is to forward the message, which we will do. This can be any record from the group. Click the right mouse button — “forward the message”.
In the recipients, select @ControllerBot. The bot asks you to enter the name of the city to determine the time zone. This is necessary for sending deferred posts (likes/dislikes are not the only function of @ControllerBot).
The channel was added successfully, as @ControllerBot informs us. Now you can create posts and manage them.
Creating a publication with reactions
Posts can be created from your own bot or just click on the “Create a new post” button, and we are automatically transferred to the bot — admin of the group.
Launch your bot as standard via the “Launch” button. The bot offers to customize the formatting, audible notification of the group and the link preview (on/off). You can leave notifications enabled by default — this means that each new subscriber will receive audio notifications about fresh posts on the channel, but they will have to manually disable them. You can immediately disable notifications — it makes sense if you post a lot of posts a day and don’t want to annoy your followers. After all the settings, click “Continue”.
Now you can create a publication. We write the desired text in the dialog box or insert the prepared text in advance. You can see what the published post will look like-the “Preview”button. When everything is ready, press Enter.
Here you can finally create reactions — add likes/dislikes and other emoticons. From the drop-down list, select the “Add reactions”button. In addition to reactions, you can add files, buttons, and comments.
In the dialog box, you need to send text with a slash / or emoticons without a space. For example: a class or fiscal unit. For likes/dislikes, choose 2 smiles — a finger up/a finger down. The bot has a hint on how to send proper emoticons.
It turns out like this. If we want to change the reactions, then click on the “Delete reactions” button and send new ones. But this must be done before the post is published to the group.
To send a post to a group, click the “Next” button. You can place the post immediately or make a delayed publication. Once again, we confirm the selected action.
We posted a post in the group. The number of certain reactions is very easy to follow — the number is displayed next to the Emoji.
You can add up to 6 different emojis to the reaction.
If you use the same reactions, you don’t have to re — enter them every time-the bot remembers the last combinations.
Check out below video for more details: